Sunday, March 1, 2009

Three months...

...have gone by and I thought I should update the three people who might be looking at this and the others who google words that might lead you here. No change.

Well, not entirely true. I’ve picked up a new front rack and panniers. The rack: Tubus Ergo
Front panniers and handlebar bag are ortlieb—same as the rear panniers and rack bag. I’m a big fan of their products. And again I went to Wayne at the The Touring Store. While ordering the bag, he invited me to drop by once I make it to Colorado. Who knows, I just might do it.

As far as the house, I had a meeting with the realtor and we’ve decided to drop the price. It’s important for me to have, not only the money to travel for a while, but also to have enough to put a nice down payment on a house wherever I decide to settle. I’ve owned the house since 1994 and built up equity, so dropping it a little isn’t freaking me out. Plus, I have to compete with the all of the foreclosures popping up.

So, as spring nears, I am getting a little anxious and excited and want to get The Heaviest Bike Version 2.0 circus on the road.

6 spokes:

Anonymous said...

Your still alive!!!!

eric said...

Was there a rumor that I died, say, like Paul McCartney in '69?

Anonymous said...

Well... while I was listening to my favorite songs backwards the other day I came upon Tom Lehr's "The Elements" and right between Arsenic and Aluminum, it sounds (when backwards) like "Eric has spilled Dr.Pepper all over his keyboard and thus forfeited his blog"

But it's a stretch...

Anonymous said...

Is the trip still going to begin even if the house hasn't sold?

eric said...

No. I have to sell the house before I take off. I'm using a little of the money from the sell to finance the trip.

Fiona Leonard said...

Hi Eric

Know where you're at. We packed up our lives in Australia at the end of last year (sold the house) and are now traveling around the US - in a car though, we're nowhere near as impressive as you guys.

Come by and say hi, send me an email and I'll send you our super tips for selling a house quickly. Won't cost you a cent and you'll feel awesome!
